Red Abercromby - “the Sausage Sizzle King”
Red came to Dampier in 2016 with his wife and sons. During his time in Dampier Red, a quite achiever, has always made himself available for community events and has earned himself the title of the ‘Sausage Sizzle King’. If a BBQ needs managing, setting up, cooking and sourcing ingredients, Red is your man.
In 2018 the DCA coordinated a Take Action Community Day for a local family and Red was pivotal in the success of this event. He canvased local Dampier and Karratha business for raffle items to the tune of well over $5,000.00, door knocked on his own personal time, gathered and delivered donations and made a huge impact on the success of the day.
Also in 2018 Dampier Performing Arts (DPA) class had their hearts set on having their end of year performance at the REAP. Funds were needed desperately and Red stepped up to the challenge, co-ordinating a successful bacon & egg burger fundraiser at the Dampier markets. These funds helped cover the cost of the DPA hosting a great end of year event. Red has again repeated this process in 2019, with a huge end of year event planned for later this year.
Red was nominated by Steph Hyde.