
Meet our team



The DCA is run by a team of volunteer committee members with three paid staff: part-time Administrator Officer, Christie Proctor, part-time Projects Officer, Dini de Gruchy and full-time Office Manager, Sharyn Creighton. We also have seasonal volunteer ‘Park Hosts’ at the Dampier Caravan Park, which is open April thru to October. The DCA Committee is governed by the DCA Constitution, and without a committee the organisation would cease to exist.

The Committee is comprised of an Executive Committee including the President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary, as well as up to ten general committee members, with each member serving a two year term. The Committee meets bi-monthly to make key decisions on issues concerning the DCA and Dampier.

Committee members are also encouraged to join DCA Subcommittees working on specific projects and events, such as the Dampier Community Garden and Friends of Sam (Sam’s Island). General DCA members can volunteer to join any DCA Subcommittee.

The DCA holds an AGM once a year in October where seven committee members’ terms expire, with these positions being declared open for nomination. All DCA Members are eligible to nominate and retiring committee members are eligible to re-nominate. 

For more information about how to become a DCA Committee member please use our online enquiry form, contact the DCA or complete a DCA Committee Nomination form.


The current DCA Committee members are:

  • Gill Furlong (President)

  • Hayley O’Connor (Vice President)

  • Narelle Douglas (Treasurer)

  • Apryl O’Brien (Secretary)

  • Emma Baker

  • Julie Bardsley

  • Paul Bascombe

  • Kylie Boyle

  • Nerida Kickett

  • Kylie Marshall

  • Jesse McKenzie

  • Ben Mettam

  • Sharon Vertigan

  • Hazel West





Dampier residents aged 18 and over can become a member of the DCA - membership is FREE!
By becoming a member you will:

  • be included on our email list to stay up to date on all things Dampier

  • have a stronger community voice

  • be able to vote at our AGM (on issues such as decisions affecting Dampier, DCA Constitutional changes and who is elected to the committee)

  • be eligible to nominate for a committee position (optional)

  • be welcome to take advantage of advertised Member-only or early bird offers

For more information about how to become a DCA Member please use our online enquiry form, contact the DCA or complete a DCA Membership Application form.

If you are not a resident of Dampier, but are interested in the civic and social advancement of Dampier and are in agreement with the purpose and objectives of the Association, you are eligible to become an Affiliate Member. For more information about how to become a DCA Affiliate Member please use our online enquiry form, contact the DCA or complete a DCA Affiliate Membership Application form.


DCA Projects & events



The DCA Committee, staff and community members are currently working on different projects and events that align with the Community Goals outlined in the Dampier Community Plan 2021-2025. These include the Art Awards, Art Space, Beachside Markets, Community Garden, Photography Awards, Sunset Movies and Quill Quest.  Being a volunteer committee, the DCA welcomes any offers of assistance.  If you are interested in volunteering on any of these projects or events, please contact us.

Alternatively, if you are a passionate local resident with a project of your own in mind and you are able to volunteer your time to turn your vision into reality, please contact the DCA to discuss how we can assist you. DCA has assisted visionary local residents with awesome projects such as the Dampier Murals and the Dampier Billy Cart Derby.

If you would like to find out more about getting involved with the Dampier Community Association please use our online enquiry form or contact the DCA.

If you would like to find out more information about our upcoming events and projects, please visit  our Events page, our DCA FaceBook page, our Beachside Markets FaceBook page, become a DCA Member, contact us via the online enquiry form or drop into the DCA Office.

The City of Karratha is a major sponsor of DCA's project and events, via their Community Grants and Contribution Scheme, with 3-year funding MoU’s for our Art Awards, Beachside Markets and Sunset Movies. For further information on the City of Karratha please visit their website. 


DCA facility and equipment hire



The DCA currently manages the spaces for hire within the Dampier Community Hub building, on behalf of facility owner, the City of Karratha. The Community Hub, located at 3 High St Dampier, has two Multi-Purpose Rooms, the Community Hall, the Lesser Hall and an Art Exhibition Space available for community or commercial hire. further information, including hire rates, bonds and terms and conditions can be found on the Dampier Community Hub page.

We also have equipment including trestle tables, chairs, easels, bean bags and styling equipment available for community or commercial hire. Further information on this can be found on the DCA Equipment Hire Application form

A large outdoor PA system, marquees and a trailer are available for in-kind community group hire, for enquiries please use our online enquiry form or contact the DCA.


For ALL Dampier Caravan Park bookings please visit our Caravan Park page.


DCA Sponsorship



The DCA supports Dampier community members, groups, clubs and organisations through sponsorship and donations for activities and events that show a clear link with DCA’s primary objective to advance community engagement and promote a sense of community. DCA sees community engagement as encouraging and supporting residents of Dampier to be active and involved in community groups and events, in order to build a vibrant and connected community in Dampier. We offer community member sponsorship, community group sponsorship and In-kind donations of facilities and equipment.  If you are interested in applying for DCA sponsorship, please read the relevant sections of the DCA Sponsorship Guidelines to ensure your application will be successful. 

If you would like to apply for DCA sponsorship please complete the relevant sponsorship form:

DCA Sponsorship - Community Member Application Form;

DCA Sponsorship - Community Group Application Form;

DCA Sponsorship - In-kind Donation Application Form

For enquiries please use our online enquiry form or contact the DCA.