It's all about you ..... Dampier's youth - your time for fun!
Every year since the first Dampier Art Award in 2010, we are amazed and delighted with what our wonderfully talented residents of the City of Karratha produce.
Yesterday we talked about one our achievement today lets talk about our plans !!!
Hallo Dampier, We're back and what a way to return to 2019, Winners are Grinners and Dampier is definitely the winner with this event.
To complete our series, here are some of the folks that helped shape our great town, Thank you and happy 50th Anniversary DCA
On the Tenth Day of Dampier the DCA gave to us BMX and Billycarts, Red Hot Town and a Gala Ball.
On the Ninth Day ...... Arts awards and beachside markets and sunset movies and comedy night.
On the eight day of Dampier, the DCA gave to us the Foxes and the Rev. Ian MccGilvray.
On the seventh day ...... 7 tonnes of rubbish and anew recycling plant.
On the Sixth Day of Dampier the DCA gave us two amazing men - Harry Chilvers and John Lally and family fun galore
On the fifth day of Dampier.... 5 golden Citizens.... and a champion dunny !
On the fourth day of Dampier, there was no calling birds but see there was.....
On the third day of Dampier, the DCA gave to us ....
Rather than the 12 days of christmas, I'm going to share with you the 11 days of DCA. Here’s the second.
Sneak peak of some of the displays for tonight's 50th celebration. The first Days of Dampier.
I know you have all been waiting with baited breath......
The future’s so bright, we've got to wear shades - thanks to Council support
Mangy Mutts and Dancing Queens, Confetti canons and floating lanterns...