Jo Leo - "The True Pilbara Princess" !!

Jo, born and raised in Tom Price, moved to Dampier in 2004 and has lived here with her husband Darcy and their five children ever since.  Jo is a true-blue Pilbara Girl.

Jo has always been involved with anything that touched her family’s life.  Joining the Dampier Primary School P & C Association in 2009, she took on the Treasurer’s role for three of those years. She has been involved with two school fetes, also helping the previous Treasurer with a fete. Jo bakes for fundraisers, helps in the canteen, has been a classroom parent helper and was the driving force behind the initiation and set up of school banking, a program she ran for three years.

In 2016/17 Jo was instrumental in the bringing the Dampier Dynamites Netball Club back to life, with the Club now bigger than ever.  She has been heavily involved with all aspects of the Club for at least five years, including registrations, Treasurer’s role, fundraising, uniforms, presentations and windup, currently being the Vice President of the Club.

Jo has coached six seasons with the Karratha Dampier Teeball Association at both Intermediate and Junior levels and was then  assistant coach for a further two years.  She also umpires, bench manages and scores at games when needed.

In 2017 the first competition for Social 7’s Softball was held and Jo organised a mixed team of Dampier men, women and children to play a slow pitch version of softball.

Jo has also been involved with the Little Athletics Club for many years, as both a general committee member and a Treasurer.  As a parent, she continues to help out whenever needed.

This year Jo, along with Nat Barker, stepped up to Dampier Baking Royalty by taking on the annual Biggest Morning Tea event, after the retirement of our Seniors.  Jo and Nat organised, set up, baked and managed the event, which raised over $1500 for the Cancer Council and fed half of Dampier as an added bonus.

This is the second year Jo has been nominated.  This year she was nominated by Paul Bascombe, Georgia Evans and Karissa Ammerer.