Graham Ferguson - “Fergie or Fergalicious” !!!!

Graham has caller Dampier home since 2007, along with his wife Tammy and their two little boys.  It’s the love of the ocean that brought and keeps Graham here in Dampier.

Graham has been a member of the Dampier Volunteer Fire and Rescue Service for five years.  Graham, or ‘Fergie’ as he is known, is one of those people in life who quietly fly under the radar.  

At 2am in the morning when the phone goes off and a call out is happening you know Graham will be at the Fire Station ready to go.  Whether it’s driving the truck, manning the pump, putting on BA and entering a burning building or cutting a person out of a car, Graham goes about the job with professionalism and a sense of calm.

Fund raising for the community is another large part of being a volunteer fire fighter in Dampier.  The ‘Firey’s’ raise and distribute thousands of dollars every year for our community.  Graham is always the first to put his hand up to help his Brigade and his community.

Last year the DVFRS celebrated 50 years as Brigade.  Graham was awarded the Captains Award for his contribution to our local fire fighting service.

And of course, there is the fishing!  Graham also volunteers his time at the King Bay Game Fishing Club, lending a hand at competitions and other events whenever help is needed.

Graham was nominated by Scott Bourne and Sheree & Ian Lannary.