The Dampier Community Association’s (DCA) purpose is to ‘represent and promote the civic and social advancement of Dampier that sustains a quality of life and community pride for all residents’. The DCA has been operating in Dampier since 1968 and was incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation in 1977.
Through City of Karratha funding and corporate sponsorship, the DCA hosts Dampier based community events including: the Beachside Markets and Sunset Movies; annual events such as the Art Awards, Junior Art Awards, Photography Awards, Junior Photography Awards, and Dampier Quill Quest; community projects like the Art Space and the Community Garden; as well as ad-hoc one off community events. Over the past decade we constructed small-scale community facilities around Dampier including: additional playground equipment, BBQ’s & Junior Bike Path at the Lions Park; playground at Windy Ridge Oval; BMX Park, bike racks, seating & shelter at Hampton Oval; and the Nature Play Space in the Town Centre Playground. We also made improvements to existing community facilities such as: lighting and sound equipment at the Community Hall; map and plinth at the Lookout; fencing at Hardey Reserve; lighting at the Lions Park; plus various enhancements to the Caravan Park.
The DCA also collaborates with inspirational locals to bring wonderful ideas to fruition. Some examples of this are: the Dampier Billy Cart Derby; murals at the Lions Park, Community Hub and Dampier Primary School; Senior Sessions including monthly morning teas and weekly exercise classes; and Support to Thrive Early Parenthood (STEP) program.