About the


 ‘The future of every community lies in capturing the passion, imagination and resources of its people’ Ernesto Sirolli


The Dampier Community Association’s (DCA) purpose is to ‘represent and promote the civic and social advancement of Dampier that sustains a quality of life and community pride for all residents’.  The DCA has been operating in Dampier since 1968 and was incorporated as a not-for-profit organisation in 1977.

Through City of Karratha funding and corporate sponsorship, the DCA hosts Dampier based community events including: the Beachside Markets and Sunset Movies; annual events such as the Art Awards, Junior Art Awards, Photography Awards, Junior Photography Awards, and Dampier Quill Quest; community projects like the Art Space and the Community Garden; as well as ad-hoc one off community events. Over the past decade we constructed small-scale community facilities around Dampier including: additional playground equipment, BBQ’s & Junior Bike Path at the Lions Park; playground at Windy Ridge Oval; BMX Park, bike racks, seating & shelter at Hampton Oval; and the Nature Play Space in the Town Centre Playground. We also made improvements to existing community facilities such as: lighting and sound equipment at the Community Hall; map and plinth at the Lookout; fencing at Hardey Reserve; lighting at the Lions Park; plus various enhancements to the Caravan Park.

The DCA also collaborates with inspirational locals to bring wonderful ideas to fruition. Some examples of this are: the Dampier Billy Cart Derby; murals at the Lions Park, Community Hub and Dampier Primary School; Senior Sessions including monthly morning teas and weekly exercise classes; and Support to Thrive Early Parenthood (STEP) program.

On behalf of the community, the DCA manages the Dampier Caravan Park, the community spaces for hire within the Dampier Community Hub and the Hampton Pavilion Kiosk. We also offer equipment hire (tables & chairs, styling equipment) to our community, with larger equipment (outdoor speaker system & marquees) being lent in-kind to approved community groups. The DCA generates an income from these sources and others, such as fundraising initiatives like the Dampier Number Plates and Dampier fishing shirts and also via the sale of local books and merchandise. This enables us to support our community by providing community sponsorship, holding local grassroots events and also assists with the administration costs of running the Association. 

Another of the DCA’s objectives is to inform our community of activities, achievements or issues that may affect them. We do this via this website, community emails and through our DCA FaceBook page and project specific FaceBook pages. The DCA also aims to facilitate discussion on issues and to communicate the collective view of members to government and other stakeholders on issues that may impact on Dampier, community members and surrounds. We have liaised with the City of Karratha on the Dampier Foreshore Development and the Dampier Masterplan and also liaised with Rio Tinto on the Red Dog Tourist Information Bay upgrade. To stay informed the DCA has representatives on various local community liaison groups and also meets regularly with major stakeholders.